Weather in Key West
Sunrise at Key West. Photo by TSL Photography
The Weather in Key West is Excellent Year Round
The weather in Key West is one of reasons so many people visit this beautiful vacation spot year-round.
Key West is situated at the very tip of Florida, also known as the sunshine state. So, when it comes to Key West weather, you can expect lots of sunshine, warm climates, and blue skies.
Key West temperatures average 78.1 degrees year-round, which is gorgeous. And the sun is always shining.
You can expect sunshine on your shoulders during 76% of daylight hours in this southern paradise. There is not another spot in the United States that can make this claim! Only Miami comes close with 70% sunshine during daylight hours.
Best Time to Visit Key West
Check mark in calendar on date of 26th close up. Photo by Africa Studio.
Key West temperatures are temperately warm year-round. They have never recorded frost or snow. And they have never recorded a Key West temperature above 100 degrees.
Key West does experience seasons, just not as drastically as the rest of the country.
The best time to visit Key West is from March until May. The winter crowds have dissipated, the weather is mild, and the tourism rates go down with the reduction in traffic. You can expect a consistent temperature of 75 degrees with a fairly dry climate.
Orange sky with bright sun and thermometer. Photo by Günter Albers
Summer Weather in Key West
The summer months get hot in Key West, much like the rest of the sunshine state. You can expect an average high of 88 to 90 degrees and an average low of 80 degrees during June, July, and August. This is also the rainy season, so it’s a good idea to pack an umbrella.
Because of the hot temperatures and the high possibility of rain, the summer months present a great value when it comes to rental properties and other tourism rates.
Winter Weather in Key West
Winter weather in Key West is notably milder than in much of the rest of the southern states. This is because of the effects of the gulf stream in the Straits of Florida and the effects of the warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico. They keep the waters warm and the temperatures mild in this tropical destination.
Because of these factors, the temperature in Key West varies only about 15 degrees from summer to winter. You can expect a median temperature of around 75 degrees, and you will rarely see temperatures drop below 66 degrees.
Hurricane Season
Extremely detailed and realistic high resolution 3D illustration of a Hurricane. Photo by Sasa Kadrijevic.
Hurricane Season in Key West begins June 1 and ends on November 30th each year. However, the months of September and October are typically considered the off-season due to the higher possibility of hurricanes developing in those two months.
It is a hit or miss situation when it comes to trying to predict hurricanes in any part of the country. Key West is no different. A geographic area can go many years without seeing a strong storm of any kind. Or an area can be hit with multiple hurricane force storms in a season.
Thankfully, weather modeling is solid in today’s day and age, and storms are identified well in advance. If you are traveling to Key West during Hurricane season, it is important to remain flexible and keep an eye on storm forecasts.
Florida Vacation Rental Homes has the best rates for high value properties in Key West and across Florida.
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